Thursday, 16 June 2011

Women in science or chix cant math

Recently, I came across an interesting article by Philip Greenspun regarding the real reason behind the deficit of women in science. The long and short of it is: smart women are smart enough to get better jobs elsewhere, while smart men stay in shitty academic positions out of misguided ambition. I agree with it for the most part, but I wouldn't be true to my principles if I didn't take this opportunity to alienate half my readers by putting my two cents in.

Let's get one thing out of the way first. Everyone knows it, nobody is allowed to say it in public. Harvard president was fired for implying it and Greenspun skillfully avoids it in his text.

Women are inferior at math and all-around less intelligent.

There, I said it. Feel free to get offended and tear me a new one in the comments. In fact, anticipating the outrage I prepared a preemptive FAQ:

Q: Actually, according to statistics girls all around the world get the same or even slightly better grades in math exams and aptitude tests then boys their age.
A: Let's be honest with ourselves: statistical human being is a (functionally) illiterate moron. You can train a monkey to pass those tests. The only thing the statistics tell us is that female monkeys are a little tamer which makes training easier.

Q: If it's not tests and grades, what else evidence do you have?
A: You want pure talent? Go to the hall of fame of the International Mathematical Olympiad. Or any mathematical Olympiad for that matter. Or any programming competition. See how many female first names you can find there. You're saying that girls aren't encouraged enough to participate in these? Ok. You must be trying really hard not to see this. Try counting females among:

  • the makers of the wittiest webcomics
  • the cleverest bloggers
  • your favorite writers
  • the most acute movie critics

If you counted more than 20%, you're cheating. 

Q: This is bullshit. I'm a woman, and I'm 100 times more intelligent than you! Asshole.
A: That's terrific. You know what you can write that would better prove your point than an angry comment? A research paper. Or a novel.

Q: But Emmy Noether and Marie Curie were women and...
A: I didn't say that every man ever born was more talented than every woman ever born. But the fact that you have to resort to examples born in 18 hundreds is saying something.

Q: You can bring up some anecdotal evidence, but you can't really prove that men are smarter!
A: True. This statement is only meaningful because I can't prove it. If I were to confine myself to facts I can prove, all I would be able to say is: men have more Y chromosomes. 

Q: I bet you're a sad, pathetic loser, forever alone in your parents' basement. You're bitter because no woman would ever come near you and your inflated ego.
A: :( 

That being said, this is not what stops women from pursuing academic careers. You see, contrary to popular belief, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a... well, a rocket scientist. Don't get me wrong - science is hard - it is just not that hard. Take quantum mechanics for instance. Sure - it's abstract and counterintuitive. But anyone who learned it knows that it isn't nearly as big a deal as popculture makes it out to be. If you have enough free time and mental capacity to learn a foreign language, you could easily learn QM instead (and that is including the time spent on preliminaries like algebra and classical mechanics). My point is: if a woman can be a successful doctor or lawyer (and there's no shortage of those) then with the same amount of effort she would become a decent scientist. Why doesn't she? This one's simple: doctors and lawyers get better money, better hours, more respect and they can really make a difference. The question you should be asking is this: what makes males choose science despite all of that? According to Greenspun it's their unrealistic expectations, ambition, testosterone-driven competitiveness and lack of foresight. Maybe it works like this in Ivy League universities, where you can't throw a rock without hitting a nobelist. But in the world's scientific outskirts like Poland, grad students are all painfully aware that there's neither prestige nor money to be had in academia. And it doesn't stop them (the males) from trying. This brings me to the most interesting and relevant observation in the Greenspun's article:

A lot more men than women choose to do seemingly irrational things such as become petty criminals, fly homebuilt helicopters, play video games, and keep tropical fish as pets (98 percent of the attendees at the American Cichlid Association convention that I last attended were male). Should we be surprised that it is mostly men who spend 10 years banging their heads against an equation-filled blackboard in hopes of landing a $35,000/year post-doc job?

This is exactly it! The key difference between sexes that makes males dominate the following groups:
- scientists
- suicide bombers
- Klingon speakers
- 4chan users
- cult leaders
- stamp collectors
- political assassins
- conspiracy theorists
is this: men are fucking crazy!
Not convinced? Try to guess the sex of each of these people:

  • spent 15 years and over 4*10^6 matchsticks building a 20ft long replica of an oil platform  [a real person]
  • got his/her arm chopped off and transplanted to his/her twin (who has now 3) [google it]
  • made up a new moral system in which the ultimate goal of all human endeavours should be to increase the total intelligence and knowledge in the universe. Doesn't care if it's human, artificial or alien intelligence.  Makes life decisions accordingly - got a PhD in theoretical physics, then turned to neurobiology. Wants to artificially modify human sense of morality so that everyone shares the same goal. [a person I know]
  • found a proof that Einstein was wrong, and now spends every waking hour harassing scientists hopelessly trying to get this message across  [a lot of real people, actually]
How many of these, do you think are women? You guessed correctly. None*. There's nothing more manly than devoting one's life to a comic_book_villain_insane idea this side of a lumberjack wrestling a grizzly on a volcano**.

This is not to say that women can't be as passionate or as irrational. There's plenty of them dedicated to various charities - which is admirable but not crazy - and there's the whole phenomenon of fashion - which is retarded but understandable. After all it's just women seeking approval of other women and gay men. The thing that is male-specific is the devotion to something both impractical and completely unprofitable. It's the sweet combination of hardheadedness and crazy for the sake of crazy. 

We've established that it's not their subpar cognitive abilities but rather their down-to-earth attitude that is responsible for the underrepresentation of women in science. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that all the cases of male intellectual superiority that I pointed out in the FAQ, are like that. I.e. they can be traced back not to differences in intellectual potential but differences in motivation and priorities that influence how does one act upon that potential. That may very well be, but I don't see how this is any less offensive to women than telling them that they're downright stupid. After all, it is exactly this Darwin-defying element of selfless impracticality that sets us apart from animals. All the greatest works of art, literature and science*** humanity is so proud of, we owe to stubborn men pursuing their chimerical dreams in the time they could have spent making money, socializing or watching Grey's Anatomy. Is it any consolation for you women, that you're making us sandwiches while we're solving equations not because you wouldn't understand equations but because you have no aspirations beyond sandwiches?

*And don't tell me it's the social pressure that prevents females from acting like this. Because nutty basement crusaders are all about conforming to social norms.
**with a beer in his hand and a bacon-cigar in his mouth. Riding a shark.
***as well as all the religions, ideologies and political systems

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

About this blog

Why blogging is not my thing
I never intended to start a blog. There are two reasons for this and me not being vain enough to bore others with my thoughts isn't one of them. I have a lot of interesting and original things to say, unfortunately the interesting ones aren't original* and the original ones are not that interesting. Well, that hardly ever stops anybody from cluttering the blogosphere with their bullshit. Then there's the other thing. You know that guy who has strong opinions on every minor thing in the universe? From types of fonts through obscure indie metal  bands to conflict in the middle east.  I know you do - he is the one commenting all the links on your fb wall. Tv pundits and retired mathematics professors are particularly guilty of this. The problem with me is - I'm that guy in reverse. I am clinically uncertain of everything besides basic math (and even in this area I have some doubts). Every time I post on the internet, I agonize over each statement I make in fear it might be wrong, or worse - meaningless. And unless I'm just relaying cold, boring facts, I can never be sure. This is why instead of posting I just sit back and shut up most of the time. Bertrand Russel famously said that "the whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts". It certainly feels like the truth, but don't I know some really wise people who seem quite sure of their views and are very verbal about them? Are they maybe not that wise? I honestly don't know.

How did this blog start then?
Like all great inventions this blog is a product of laziness. In short: i learned about a shocking fact that was at the same time highly entertaining, 100% true and generally unknown. Tired of retelling the story to each aquaintance I met, I decided to write it down and just send everybody the link. In the form of a blog seemed the easiest way to do it. In case any non-polish speaker ever reads this, my shocking story was this: Poland's most renowned economic university theaches pseudoscience under the guise of "Technical Analysis" course. The whole field of divining the future from stock charts is questionable to say the least, but what passes for science in this lecture is downright absurd. Pseudosciences that found their way into the curriculum include: astrology, numerology and ermanometry - which is probably the dumbest thing i have seen in my life**:
Seriously - check it out, it will enrich your life. After having dealt with the TA nonsense i abandoned the blog and went on with my boring life.

What made me revive it?
Someone convinced me that every young scientist (like me) should practice written communication, especially if he is not a native english speaker (again me). And the medium of a blog is as good as any. I could of course just write for myself and not show it to anyone, but where's the fun in that? So with this new goal Craboyle returns. Having depleted the only topic in the middle field on the Venn diagram of originality, entertainment and accuracy I will have to cut back on some of these qualities. There will be rants about things I don't know shit about, unfair generalizations, name calling, obscure references, unintelligible jargon and disregard for social norms in general. In other words - your average personal blog. Minus the holiday photos, favorite bands and family stories. Expect new entry once a month - I can't be bothered to update more often, plus this is roughly the frequency at which i come up with a semi-original thought.

*this sentence for example - it's taken from Hugo Steinhaus' review of some young mathematicians thesis

**i know what you're thinking - "clearly, the guy has never been to 4chan". Not true. Anybody can be 4chan-stupid but it takes college education to make someone ermanometry-stupid

Friday, 15 April 2011

TvTropes and the polish education

In case you don't know: TvTropes is a highly addictive wiki based site devoted to tropes or "tricks of the trade for writing fiction" (also: where have you been hiding last couple of years?). Motifs, clishes, symbols and other literary (for lack of a better word) devices are named, analyzed, compared and divided into categories each with dozens of examples in movies, tv shows, novels, comic books, video games and other media. I won't be the first to say this (, but this site is entertaining as hell and once you start the Wiki Walk, it's really hard to stop.

One evening, I wanted to look up some video game on Tv Tropes. Two hours and twenty open tabs later, reading about christian symbolism in anime I was struck with sudden realization. What I've been doing at that point was EXACTLY what the teachers were trying to force me to do throughout six years of middleschool and highschool. I used to hate that shit! And I was far from alone with this attitude. Polish classes* were notoriuos for being boring, derivative and complete wastes of imagination. Interpretational analysis (particularly of poetry) was the worst. It consisted of finding hidden meanings where there weren't any, using the same couple of keywords to describe every literary work ever made and trying to guess which interpretation the teacher had in mind. It wasn't  hard as much as it was insulting. It took me five years to recover from this trauma and discover that comparing, analyzing and categorizing fiction doesn't have to be a chore. 

What happened is this: polish teachers took an activity (trope hunting) that people do voluntarily on their own (and very much enjoy) and with the use of chalk, blackboards and ancient academic terminology turned it into a form of punishment and an object of derision. How could they screw it up so badly? It's understandable that  kids hate math - you have to put in some effort first to enjoy it. But literature, culture? Everyone absorbs it one way or another, and nearly everyone talks about it sometimes. So to make it this awful requires special kind of teaching skills. If they can keep up this level of incompetence, they can probably stop teenagers from having sex just by making it a mandatory class.  

*to any of you nonexistent non-polish readers: I'm polish, so polish class means basically literature class

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Worried you might be a mathematician?

Are you? I used to be. But fret no more! There is a foolproof way to quantify your inner mathematician. The test is quick, painless and has nothing to do with how many digits of pi you have memorized or how fast can you do integrals. This is not what math is about. And we are not testing, whether you are a high shool science geek, we are testing if you really are a mathemetician inside, regardless of current profession. The test is based on a story of a farmer
whose house was apparently struck by meteors 6 times during last couple of years. He believes it's aliens who are messing with him, and he reinforced his roof in case they do it again. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that meteor strikes are random events and being struck once neither increases nor lowers your chances of being struck in the future*. This is why it is completely pointless to buy a new roof after being hit - the probability that you will need it is still the same it was before - virtually zero. But even if you are perfectly aware of that, after the 100th meteorite you would certainly give up and buy the damned steel roof or move to another house ... Or would you?

So here comes the test. The answer to the question is the amount of pure mathematician in you on a scale of 0 to Paul Erdős**.

How many verified meteor strikes would it take to convince you to buy a steel roof and an insurance?

If you answered:

0, i would buy it just in case
- Congratulations! You are definitely not a mathematician. Plus the steel roof will go nicely with your tin foil hat.

- Congratulations! You don't know the first thing about probability but at least you are not a mathematician!

2, 3
- Congratulations! You are not superstitious but you know better than to argue with reality.

- Borderline case.

Sane ends here.

- I have bad news for you. The test was positive.

- You are a mathematician with a death wish.

- You are doing it on purpose.

No finite number of meteors would convince me.
-Congratulations! Your Erdős number is <1.

If you passed, go test others. Test your friends, test your family - just to be on the safe side. In particular test all the professors you know. It would be interesting to know how many sleeper cell mathematicians are there among other scientists, and how many practicing mathematicians are sane. Send me the results.

*mathematician would say that it's a Poisson process.
**gauss would be such a nice unit of inner mathness, shame it's already taken

Did you believe the farmer's story explanation involving magnetic anomaly attracting meteors? If yes, then i have another good news for you - you are not a physicist either!

Monday, 14 February 2011

The perfect analogy and how I came up with it

Some time ago i witnessed a discussion about the legalization of drugs. While i don't really care about it one way or another, this particular conversation caught my eye* because of the sheer ridiculousness of the arguments in favor of legalization ("alcohol is more dangerous than crack"). One such claim especially made me think:

- people use drugs to achieve altered states of consciousness, it can be a mystical experience and can lead to significant spiritual advancement and government doesn't want this

Whatever "spiritual advancement" may be - i thought - it is certainly not something that you can get a prescription for. Regardless of who you consider spiritually advanced - be it Jesus or Dalai Lama or Gandhi or Feynman, I'm pretty sure they didn't get to where they got by munching on magic pills. Of course, people on drugs may think they are one with the universe, but they also think that giant pink spiders are out to get them. I didn't say any of it in the discussion though because this spirituality business is so vague it is impossible to really prove somebody wrong, no matter how dumb they sound.

Then I recalled that various nutjobs - hippies, New Agers, ufologists etc. often claim that while high/meditating they not only became better human beings but also gained some mystical knowledge about the universe - usually revealed to them by aliens, dead ancestors or other spiritual entities. These people always claim they were given the answers to all possible questions - including scientific ones - but they invariably have nothing to show for it. They are the most enlightened human beings, yet somehow they fail to cure cancer, perform cold fusion, prove the Goldbach conjecture or do anything even remotely useful for that matter. When asked directly about something that can be verified, they either babble some mystical nonsense or are too high to understand the question or both. It seems like their infinite knowledge is restricted to subjects that cannot possibly be verified (like beings of the n-th density or life in the Andromeda galaxy) and occasionally conventional morality ("aliens told me that we should all get along"). When two such wackos meet they may be able to convince one another of their respective delusions but the (sane) rest of us know the truth: just because you feel wiser doesn't make you so, it's all an acid trip and it's all in your head.

Then it struck me. This is exactly how philosophy works.

*yes, it was a fb discussion - did you think i'm some freak who actually talks to people IRL?